Sometimes I feel happy to be in this "Palace"...
"Satisfy" of the system that they prepare for us...
Glad to see records by records being broken...
But now i can see that kids are arguing of something...
Something they think that they should defend of...
Yet I think they left out something more important than THAT to argue...
They did touch bout that...DID touch bout that...get my words...
But they never put much effort on that...
Coz till now we still havent found out what's the consequences of that...
Did they fine that person?
Did they put him into jail?
Did they use the thick thick yellow page book to "whack" him?
Or he's still doing fine out there?
Enjoying every second of his life?
We never know...
But we do know that another person is not as good luck as him...
Now he's in the "Wanted" list...
Just because that he's telling the truth...
Truth that is already well known...
So they just give us a lesson...
Lesson which is we shouldnt be honest...???
Think of this...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Shud I o Shud I not??? I am...with full of uncertainties, confusions, dissapointments, lotsa lotsa more...all jz so bersatu-padu came in one shot. I wish I could turn all these back again and rearrange everything...
(sm..mayb i should do the same as u did..keep tis blog private???)
Coz i'v lots lots lots n lots of things to complain, to write, to express, to burst out, do wut i wanna do!!! This is jz not any sense...
UKMians...let us all fast for a month!!!Happy fasting!!!
Ganas bus drivers come back finally!!!haunt us for another..few months i guess...
(sm..mayb i should do the same as u did..keep tis blog private???)
Coz i'v lots lots lots n lots of things to complain, to write, to express, to burst out, do wut i wanna do!!! This is jz not any sense...
UKMians...let us all fast for a month!!!Happy fasting!!!
Ganas bus drivers come back finally!!!haunt us for another..few months i guess...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Uni life - expected to unexpected
huuu...bak from my uni...this few weeks i wasnt wif my own self but a rocket was driving me here n there!!! due to the time was wif thousands of rockets "flying" around, so i mz hav a rocket aso at least...(too "expensive" la..cant hav thousands...)...Gwen wakes me up every morn wif her nice nice hot song...then hav to prepare breakfast myself (sigh...our hostel's cafe s really useless la...their food s really "NICE" d, not many ppl wana eat their food coz too sayangkan d food...) After tat hav to go to d bus stop n wait for ukm bus...(not i want to but jz our hostel really plc TOOOOOO far away fr our fac, even walk aso need to tk bout 30mins to reach there..)not oni my hostel, meikay's hostel aso plc d other way farrrr end...n 1 more thing, 3buses really x enuf for hundreds of us la...n those "civilised" fellas dun really hav d word "queue" in their mind d...wut they hav in their mind s jz "GANAS"...make sense aso la coz they neva took pendidikan moral during spm d...
then after tat lesson n lesson n lesson til very late, mon til 10pm, tue til 5pm, wed til 4pm, thurs til 4pm, then fri til 11am..(i x let any1 to "touch" my precious fri...tat's d day i wana cum bak to KL!!!) haha...mmm, wut to say bout lecturers huh..."tong fa sun" all malays, like themselves too much coz they alwaz tok to themselves, 2 "faces", but so far all r quite nice to us d...ntg much to complain bout for now...
then bout frens...(hey dear..i kinda knoe how u felt last time d, uni frens r totally diff fr our secondary sch frens..really diff...but tis s definitely not to suz, steph, n woon...i miss my frens alot!!!alot!!!n i TOTALLY understand y under grads lack of general knowledge...really "suffer" d...ohyea, lemme intro u guys 1 plc!!!PUSANIKA-according to my fren, she said it's a short form of "pusat yang beran'i'ka"...hehe, "unique"nya...lotsa shops over there, IT shops, pos office, atm machines, banks, cafe, booths, bakery, cyber cafe, library near by (link to), koperasi, students' service centre,...quite good d but let me "kaji" all nicely 1st then tel all once...then nx to tat s my fac, act my fac s like a centre of ukm...tat's y pusanika aso plc over there d...
went bak to ukm tis morn to attend koko...luckily tis morn x jamm, drove to there bout 20mins (huu...better dun tel my mom bout tis...)...ohyea, 1st yr students r not allowed to drive in campus, but then rules r meant to b broken!!!jz like wut pang said...haha..we act kaji quite lotsa ways on how to get passed d guards' our student card, act like we'r outsiders (hi slamat pagi, nak dtang bawak dik, bleh ka???), jz drive without stopping, come bak to tk our stuffs (halo, nak pegi ambik barang i kejap, bleh ya..).....but ended up we decided to jz show our lovely "cutie" smiley face n our nice whitey hand to them..!!!haha...hey, seriously la...i really really need d car sticker la...hav to find sum1 to register for me 1st...
*Cheryl, i miss u too!!!i enjoy reading ur blog too!!!write more ya...wana knoe how r u d...
*sook mun, u knoe i aso need 2hrs to get bak to kl d...our ktm really cant compete wif trains fr other countries la...sigh...
*ohyea, i saw ziling's bro on wed at my fac's cafe...gues we'll b seein each other quite often o..
*I miss 5M alot!!!haha...
i miss my bed, miss my air-cond, miss my table, miss HOT water!!!miss everything all d time!!!
okla, gues tat's all for now 1st u guys more nx time care!!!love u all!!!
~careen~here signing off...
then after tat lesson n lesson n lesson til very late, mon til 10pm, tue til 5pm, wed til 4pm, thurs til 4pm, then fri til 11am..(i x let any1 to "touch" my precious fri...tat's d day i wana cum bak to KL!!!) haha...mmm, wut to say bout lecturers huh..."tong fa sun" all malays, like themselves too much coz they alwaz tok to themselves, 2 "faces", but so far all r quite nice to us d...ntg much to complain bout for now...
then bout frens...(hey dear..i kinda knoe how u felt last time d, uni frens r totally diff fr our secondary sch frens..really diff...but tis s definitely not to suz, steph, n woon...i miss my frens alot!!!alot!!!n i TOTALLY understand y under grads lack of general knowledge...really "suffer" d...ohyea, lemme intro u guys 1 plc!!!PUSANIKA-according to my fren, she said it's a short form of "pusat yang beran'i'ka"...hehe, "unique"nya...lotsa shops over there, IT shops, pos office, atm machines, banks, cafe, booths, bakery, cyber cafe, library near by (link to), koperasi, students' service centre,...quite good d but let me "kaji" all nicely 1st then tel all once...then nx to tat s my fac, act my fac s like a centre of ukm...tat's y pusanika aso plc over there d...
went bak to ukm tis morn to attend koko...luckily tis morn x jamm, drove to there bout 20mins (huu...better dun tel my mom bout tis...)...ohyea, 1st yr students r not allowed to drive in campus, but then rules r meant to b broken!!!jz like wut pang said...haha..we act kaji quite lotsa ways on how to get passed d guards' our student card, act like we'r outsiders (hi slamat pagi, nak dtang bawak dik, bleh ka???), jz drive without stopping, come bak to tk our stuffs (halo, nak pegi ambik barang i kejap, bleh ya..).....but ended up we decided to jz show our lovely "cutie" smiley face n our nice whitey hand to them..!!!haha...hey, seriously la...i really really need d car sticker la...hav to find sum1 to register for me 1st...
*Cheryl, i miss u too!!!i enjoy reading ur blog too!!!write more ya...wana knoe how r u d...
*sook mun, u knoe i aso need 2hrs to get bak to kl d...our ktm really cant compete wif trains fr other countries la...sigh...
*ohyea, i saw ziling's bro on wed at my fac's cafe...gues we'll b seein each other quite often o..
*I miss 5M alot!!!haha...
i miss my bed, miss my air-cond, miss my table, miss HOT water!!!miss everything all d time!!!
okla, gues tat's all for now 1st u guys more nx time care!!!love u all!!!
~careen~here signing off...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Complicated feelings running around...
Yo...back here again...tis few days kinda busy with packing, "yam-cha"in, "tv"in, attending those gatherings, shopping n lots more...I think my brain really works hard harder n hardest ever since last time during stpm feva...thx to my nice hands n legs as well for working soooo hard for d past few weeks...(so proven tat they stil not "karat" yet..hehe) n they need to start working even harder then from now on...gambate o..!!!
Ohya...crabby, i think you should start learning how to sing "his" songs o...can memorise their lyrics secara tidak langsung can improve ur mandarin ma...then nx time when we get to meet o hang out rite must use mandarin to talk o...u see our dear jim...his mandarin now start "boiling" d...although sometimes he likes to "throw" all d chinese words tat he noes then make 1 nice rojak...sumtimes i'v to think few times then oni can figure out his "sentence" d...
Will miss my bed, my ty bear, my lovely chairs...i miss everything!!!miss all my frens...ohya, wenhao..Happy Birthday!!!guess he's now in sabah d...celebrating his bday 1st time over there...soonleong n ziling gt leave msia soon too to s', can study together, hang out together, date together, then get married, then giv birth to 2 twins (2 boys n 2gals...enuf d..), then cum bak here...(oops...not my words!!!ziling told us on thurs d...)...then jim...go to aussie for half a year rite???see!!!I stil remember...then must must get chocolate for me o..1 smal lil tiny 1 wil do...hehe...very xpensive ar...cant buy too many d..
and to chat wif pang jz now...he said we cant choose our own roommate d...sob sob!!!HOW???HOW???HOW???wif if i get those %**@ o *$**#*@* roommate???but then room n toilet quite clean he said no need to worry bout tat...sigh...hav to go n hav a GREAT look 1st before i say anything...
Anyway, wana wish All D Best to all my frens, jz go ahead to achieve wut u wana o goin to achieve!!!cum on!!!let us "run" together!!!
Ohya...crabby, i think you should start learning how to sing "his" songs o...can memorise their lyrics secara tidak langsung can improve ur mandarin ma...then nx time when we get to meet o hang out rite must use mandarin to talk o...u see our dear jim...his mandarin now start "boiling" d...although sometimes he likes to "throw" all d chinese words tat he noes then make 1 nice rojak...sumtimes i'v to think few times then oni can figure out his "sentence" d...
Will miss my bed, my ty bear, my lovely chairs...i miss everything!!!miss all my frens...ohya, wenhao..Happy Birthday!!!guess he's now in sabah d...celebrating his bday 1st time over there...soonleong n ziling gt leave msia soon too to s', can study together, hang out together, date together, then get married, then giv birth to 2 twins (2 boys n 2gals...enuf d..), then cum bak here...(oops...not my words!!!ziling told us on thurs d...)...then jim...go to aussie for half a year rite???see!!!I stil remember...then must must get chocolate for me o..1 smal lil tiny 1 wil do...hehe...very xpensive ar...cant buy too many d..
and to chat wif pang jz now...he said we cant choose our own roommate d...sob sob!!!HOW???HOW???HOW???wif if i get those %**@ o *$**#*@* roommate???but then room n toilet quite clean he said no need to worry bout tat...sigh...hav to go n hav a GREAT look 1st before i say anything...
Anyway, wana wish All D Best to all my frens, jz go ahead to achieve wut u wana o goin to achieve!!!cum on!!!let us "run" together!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Olla frenz...
Well...taking this chance to tel my frens stg stg...
Cherlynn ---> crabby, i'll miss u alwaz d...jz forget bout d local uni stuff k???as u'v a great great parents who alwaz look after u d..they alwaz hav superb backup plans for u dun worry ya...if got any prob sure can find me la..but then i cant really solve most of all d but to listen i'll see u on nx wed o..remember to giv "good" excuse to ur manager ya..dun cry on tat day entering d independence world huh...
Jim---> so to aussie soon huh??? we must spend nx wed nice nice smses but oni email o mayb frenster for d nx 1 yr...can tahan anot??? raqim sure wil bring u here n there be good o, tk good care n must remember me!!!as wut sm said--NO COKE!!!haha...hugs!!!
Sook Mun---> gal...need to wait for months n months then oni can go k o...wont get to on9 during weekdays d mayb...must keep in touch ya sm buddy!!!get a new job d???thx for being wif me alwaz...hows d OC ar??haha...tat cockroach sudah "gao dim" no more worries...hehe...
Ziling---> gal...must remember me alwaz ya...cum bak kl once got chance sure must hang out d...k???
Valerie---> hey buddy...wishin u al d best...since primary til now aso neva separate d...will miss u everyday o...
Waiyan---> need to get headache la...jz think of um then enuf la huh??? ziling wil b stayin there "alone" lo...???haih, no need to worry bout her la...extrovert gal ntg to let us worry d...
Wenhao---> congrats!!!future time bcum doc dun forget me o...n must go k together d!!!nice voice u hav...
Henry---> hey!!!congrats to u too!!!another um guy here...same course huh??? must jaga jaga each other o...thx for ur infos!!!really useful d...
Richard---> hey my dear how r u ar...long time din hear fr u o...since d sunway comes a new unimas guy!!!gonna miss u o...for sure ur parents gn miss u so much d as u'r d only son...ohya, 1 more thing...sp3 will remain FOREVER!!!HIDUP sp3!!!
Bo Kheng---> hi dear!!!long time no see!!! u n cherl wil b in d same uni d...all seem like very busy d tis few i think the safest thing s u'v to sms all our frens rather than waiting there day by day...
KLiang---> hey bro, really hav to thank u lots lots lots d...thx for givin me weiyau's num...he really helps me alot d...might need to kacau him whenever whenever n far can get used to d environment in kedah???another guy who wana leave our BELOVED country to indon soon...gambate i said few days bak...b a smart doc!!!
Weiyau---> hey fren..thx alot!!!see if got chance then we can meet in campus o...hehe...
Suzanne---> hey my future i'll see ya nx week o...we both really need to thank leanne oo...hope tat wut we wish n hop will cum true ya!!!we'll tk good care of each other d...
(hey frens..."meet" my new fren Suzanne!!!...leanne's fren but now she's me fren!!!hehe..thx alot leanne.)
So far i can only think of this whom i care, concern, like, luv...thx alot!!!u guys really mean alot to me!!!
Cherlynn ---> crabby, i'll miss u alwaz d...jz forget bout d local uni stuff k???as u'v a great great parents who alwaz look after u d..they alwaz hav superb backup plans for u dun worry ya...if got any prob sure can find me la..but then i cant really solve most of all d but to listen i'll see u on nx wed o..remember to giv "good" excuse to ur manager ya..dun cry on tat day entering d independence world huh...
Jim---> so to aussie soon huh??? we must spend nx wed nice nice smses but oni email o mayb frenster for d nx 1 yr...can tahan anot??? raqim sure wil bring u here n there be good o, tk good care n must remember me!!!as wut sm said--NO COKE!!!haha...hugs!!!
Sook Mun---> gal...need to wait for months n months then oni can go k o...wont get to on9 during weekdays d mayb...must keep in touch ya sm buddy!!!get a new job d???thx for being wif me alwaz...hows d OC ar??haha...tat cockroach sudah "gao dim" no more worries...hehe...
Ziling---> gal...must remember me alwaz ya...cum bak kl once got chance sure must hang out d...k???
Valerie---> hey buddy...wishin u al d best...since primary til now aso neva separate d...will miss u everyday o...
Waiyan---> need to get headache la...jz think of um then enuf la huh??? ziling wil b stayin there "alone" lo...???haih, no need to worry bout her la...extrovert gal ntg to let us worry d...
Wenhao---> congrats!!!future time bcum doc dun forget me o...n must go k together d!!!nice voice u hav...
Henry---> hey!!!congrats to u too!!!another um guy here...same course huh??? must jaga jaga each other o...thx for ur infos!!!really useful d...
Richard---> hey my dear how r u ar...long time din hear fr u o...since d sunway comes a new unimas guy!!!gonna miss u o...for sure ur parents gn miss u so much d as u'r d only son...ohya, 1 more thing...sp3 will remain FOREVER!!!HIDUP sp3!!!
Bo Kheng---> hi dear!!!long time no see!!! u n cherl wil b in d same uni d...all seem like very busy d tis few i think the safest thing s u'v to sms all our frens rather than waiting there day by day...
KLiang---> hey bro, really hav to thank u lots lots lots d...thx for givin me weiyau's num...he really helps me alot d...might need to kacau him whenever whenever n far can get used to d environment in kedah???another guy who wana leave our BELOVED country to indon soon...gambate i said few days bak...b a smart doc!!!
Weiyau---> hey fren..thx alot!!!see if got chance then we can meet in campus o...hehe...
Suzanne---> hey my future i'll see ya nx week o...we both really need to thank leanne oo...hope tat wut we wish n hop will cum true ya!!!we'll tk good care of each other d...
(hey frens..."meet" my new fren Suzanne!!!...leanne's fren but now she's me fren!!!hehe..thx alot leanne.)
So far i can only think of this whom i care, concern, like, luv...thx alot!!!u guys really mean alot to me!!!
is forced
to be alone
by the nature
of society..but if
you meet a person
who is not envious,
who loves & believes in
other than himself, then
to this rare person offer
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sunway Day
8.00am..playing Pink's "Hollaback Gal", that's my alarm alert act, hehe...
"Yes yes, to work to work, I know...", "Oh no, to sunway to sunway, I know".
Regretted of waking up so damn early as me n Cherl had been waitin for Sherlock n Richy for about 1 hour...1 HOUR!!! 1 HOUR!!! Now the world has changed, ppl aso change...norm man has to reach the place earlier than woman does, then "freeze himself" stays at the place for "few hours" jz to wait for d woman...(but then in real life not so kejam la..haha..)but then nvmla...we two "moral students" very murah hati n Cherl got d chance to "lepak" kota raya n 1 important job was to show Cherl where is Kota raya shoppin centre!!! " u know where is it huh???"
Reached Sunway bout 11.30am++ I think then after that we were LOST in d Sunway Pyramid shopping centre...(just for a while oni..hehe)we cudnt find d exact way to Sunway Lagoon..haha...foreigners huh?? Luckily I stil remember where s Mcd d..ended up aso reach mission done!!! Really really hav to thank 1 lovely aunt who sold us d tickets w only RM35 each...coz tis week = peak week = school holiday, I think around RM 49.90 n RM 54.90 depends on which package that u wana choose. She "saved" our life!!!haha...coz w RM 35 to spend on d ticket, we had more than enough money to get nice meal for our "breakfast+lunch+dinner...hehe...if not, we'd hav to eat potato buns, home-made cake n snacks cal to save our budget..haha..heck!!! *ok Cherl, I duno tis s how many times d..*
"Yes yes, to work to work, I know...", "Oh no, to sunway to sunway, I know".
Regretted of waking up so damn early as me n Cherl had been waitin for Sherlock n Richy for about 1 hour...1 HOUR!!! 1 HOUR!!! Now the world has changed, ppl aso change...norm man has to reach the place earlier than woman does, then "freeze himself" stays at the place for "few hours" jz to wait for d woman...(but then in real life not so kejam la..haha..)but then nvmla...we two "moral students" very murah hati n Cherl got d chance to "lepak" kota raya n 1 important job was to show Cherl where is Kota raya shoppin centre!!! " u know where is it huh???"
Reached Sunway bout 11.30am++ I think then after that we were LOST in d Sunway Pyramid shopping centre...(just for a while oni..hehe)we cudnt find d exact way to Sunway Lagoon..haha...foreigners huh?? Luckily I stil remember where s Mcd d..ended up aso reach mission done!!! Really really hav to thank 1 lovely aunt who sold us d tickets w only RM35 each...coz tis week = peak week = school holiday, I think around RM 49.90 n RM 54.90 depends on which package that u wana choose. She "saved" our life!!!haha...coz w RM 35 to spend on d ticket, we had more than enough money to get nice meal for our "breakfast+lunch+dinner...hehe...if not, we'd hav to eat potato buns, home-made cake n snacks cal to save our budget..haha..heck!!! *ok Cherl, I duno tis s how many times d..*

Quite successful plan d I can say although we din "play much" in d wet sorry to Richy bout this d..but me n Cherl really "fall in love" on d so-cal roller coaster, we played that almost 10 times I think. Then 2nd most was d "Niagara Falls *stg* Ride" (sigh..4got d correct term), bout 7 o 8 times!!! That time had to temparorily become kambing, kerbau,..., waiting for d kandang to open the gate for us..haha...even we n those workers aso can bcum frens d...haha..nice!!! Really had a great fun today but then super tired!!!haha...n I doubt Sunway's workers dun do their job well d, d water in d lagoon really dirty. Now my legs n hands r really
What I was worrying before today finally comes...I wish I do not need to stay in d hospital then that's fine d...I havnt told my parents bout this, wana see how it goes 1st... Normal la..Im different from others, so hav to take 200% care lo...

*yawn*...slep slep...
Sleepy -careen- here signing off...
Friday, May 11, 2007
BLur BlUr n BLuR...
Hey, i'v promised...haha...
Today...wut a bad day for singing!!!urh...sang til no sound, out of tune, suddenli just came out sum freak "crooak" sound...haha...malunya...
Today went to sing karaoke with my best frens <lovely hueyling, sweety yeeman,*blur*ry waiyan n buddy sookmun!!!>...It was one of my fren's idea to celebrate our miss crown -blurry- waiyan's birthday. Waiyan oh waiyan...she has just entered d new world...stepping d 1st step into d world of 20's!!!hurray!!!now few more minutes for her to celebrate...gues now she's sumwhere out of her house "yam-cha"ing with her other frens...
SM n I were late to neway...gisss..SM coz she had to go bak to her college n me..(haih... malu to say) duno d way to leisure mall n I had to wait for "fanshu" to go together, haha..wut d... #now i'm 80% sure i know d way to leisure mall dun worry ya gpar...@... but back home kinda...ok gua..haha...
D time we went into d room felt kinda awkward a bit...coz we were late n 2nd of course la money matter...haih...u see me n i see u, v stayed tis kinda situation for about few minutes. What a "great" moment that i had just now..How i wish i could "freeze" everything at tat moment n let me "take a deep breath" for a while. At that time, cake really played an important role, seriously really hav to thank d "Italy duno wut cheese duno wut chocolate duno wut then finally CAKE" d..haha...Just by using d cake's single magic, everything turned cool n back to normal. {So now let's start our PARTY!!!}
I took d remote control n started to look for stg stg...[let start sum normal light songs then..]...angela, elva...left hand with d mic n right hand with remote control...wut d..I looked at d songs that hav selected...rubbed my eyes n looked again...all r those 80's n 90's songs, some r quite popular but some...i'd to think twice n twice n twice then only i could figure those songs out..pity..
Today really not a nice day to sing karaoke d..weird voice with those "crooak" sounds...even angela's songs aso x sing to d right pity..even lyrics in front of me on d tv screen aso can sing wrongly pun got in dif timing..tune pun out of comfort zone..apala..., ini big prob la...luckily d last song "3days 3nights" was 80% perfect d i think..n sempat to sing that aso..haha..
Wut a "good" me this "good" chance to meet d "good" Mr J...lum, u should hav told me that earlier so that i could hav a chance to tok to d guy ar..and can talk to his girlfriend also...just want to see how "good" the "good" Mr J's girlfriend is..haih..nvmla..fanshu, just think of this.."few miles away only".. really cant concentrate la..watching "goong S" eyes now really blur d..duno need to concentrate at which side chatting with n pail guy pulak.. ok, let's make it like this...keeping watching d drama n...PART 2 coming soon!!!
-careen signing off-
Today...wut a bad day for singing!!!urh...sang til no sound, out of tune, suddenli just came out sum freak "crooak" sound...haha...malunya...
Today went to sing karaoke with my best frens <lovely hueyling, sweety yeeman,*blur*ry waiyan n buddy sookmun!!!>...It was one of my fren's idea to celebrate our miss crown -blurry- waiyan's birthday. Waiyan oh waiyan...she has just entered d new world...stepping d 1st step into d world of 20's!!!hurray!!!now few more minutes for her to celebrate...gues now she's sumwhere out of her house "yam-cha"ing with her other frens...
SM n I were late to neway...gisss..SM coz she had to go bak to her college n me..(haih... malu to say) duno d way to leisure mall n I had to wait for "fanshu" to go together, haha..wut d... #now i'm 80% sure i know d way to leisure mall dun worry ya gpar...@... but back home kinda...ok gua..haha...
D time we went into d room felt kinda awkward a bit...coz we were late n 2nd of course la money matter...haih...u see me n i see u, v stayed tis kinda situation for about few minutes. What a "great" moment that i had just now..How i wish i could "freeze" everything
I took d remote control n started to look for stg stg...[let start sum normal light songs then..]...angela, elva...left hand with d mic n right hand with remote control...wut d..I looked at d songs that hav selected...rubbed my eyes n looked again...all r those 80's n 90's songs, some r quite popular but some...i'd to think twice n twice n twice then only i could figure those songs out..pity..
Today really not a nice day to sing karaoke d..weird voice with those "crooak" sounds...even angela's songs aso x sing to d right pity..even lyrics in front of me on d tv screen aso can sing wrongly pun got in dif timing..tune pun out of comfort zone..apala..., ini big prob la...luckily d last song "3days 3nights" was 80% perfect d i think..n sempat to sing that aso..haha..
Wut a "good" me this "good" chance to meet d "good" Mr J...lum, u should hav told me that earlier so that i could hav a chance to tok to d guy ar..and can talk to his girlfriend also...just want to see how "good" the "good" Mr J's girlfriend is..haih..nvmla..fanshu, just think of this.."few miles away only".. really cant concentrate la..watching "goong S" eyes now really blur d..duno need to concentrate at which side chatting with n pail guy pulak.. ok, let's make it like this...keeping watching d drama n...PART 2 coming soon!!!
-careen signing off-
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Waa...I'v been tagged by my dear ms Crabby***Cherl!!!ouch...pain la..
how ar...hav to play along o jz ignore..???important psn huh???my good fren here..
5 Things found in your bag
**MONEY--{of course must hav...even know d way back hom aso no use without tis...}
**Pen--{in case i need o stg..."cucuk" ppl aso very useful o..hehe}
**A small cutie "diary" book--{not to use to write diary..hehe..jz in case wana jot down price, numbers, place,...even "ter"meet frens aso can jot down their hp num n add n em add (altou i know there's a very hi-tech device wut???)}
**Handphone--{for sure tis must bring o..if not sesat aledi aso duno how to find d "exit"...haha..duno can survive without tis anot...been wonderin}
**a smal water bottle--{dun wana fall myself into "dehydration" hole...}
5 things found in my wallet
**Cash--{sure d la..}
**Cards--{got wut ar..lemme see...jj card, yves rocher card, licences, atm card, starbucks card,...}
**receipts--{quite alot d...sum even few months ago...time to throw sum a d..}
**Photos--{ n my gang's}
**Coins--{now oni got 5 cts wo..hehe..add summore later..}
5 favourite things in your room
**My BED--{my precious space..}
**Wardrobe--{messy abit..hehe..}
**Books--{but no story books o...jz all those planet stuffs, predictions, mysteries...related lo..}
**MP3--{how cum not in my bag huh??...seldom bring it out d...weirdo..}
**Posters--{not many o..but no artists o singers...jz cars!!!}
5 things you wanted to do
**design my own future house..haha
**stand on top of mount Everest n shout!!!ahhhhhh.......... #non-stop#
**go to Disneyland!!!
**go around d world!!!
5 things you are currently into
5 people i tag
**Jim--{how many tags aledi..haha..}
**Cherl--{tag u back can??hehe...ur important too!!!}
**Tirza--{ur fav...hehe..}
**Valerie--{dear fren..long time no see...}
**Richard--{sp3 member!!!...must hav u d..}
how ar...hav to play along o jz ignore..???important psn huh???my good fren here..
5 Things found in your bag
**MONEY--{of course must hav...even know d way back hom aso no use without tis...}
**Pen--{in case i need o stg..."cucuk" ppl aso very useful o..hehe}
**A small cutie "diary" book--{not to use to write diary..hehe..jz in case wana jot down price, numbers, place,...even "ter"meet frens aso can jot down their hp num n add n em add (altou i know there's a very hi-tech device wut???)}
**Handphone--{for sure tis must bring o..if not sesat aledi aso duno how to find d "exit"...haha..duno can survive without tis anot...been wonderin}
**a smal water bottle--{dun wana fall myself into "dehydration" hole...}
5 things found in my wallet
**Cash--{sure d la..}
**Cards--{got wut ar..lemme see...jj card, yves rocher card, licences, atm card, starbucks card,...}
**receipts--{quite alot d...sum even few months ago...time to throw sum a d..}
**Photos--{ n my gang's}
**Coins--{now oni got 5 cts wo..hehe..add summore later..}
5 favourite things in your room
**My BED--{my precious space..}
**Wardrobe--{messy abit..hehe..}
**Books--{but no story books o...jz all those planet stuffs, predictions, mysteries...related lo..}
**MP3--{how cum not in my bag huh??...seldom bring it out d...weirdo..}
**Posters--{not many o..but no artists o singers...jz cars!!!}
5 things you wanted to do
**design my own future house..haha
**stand on top of mount Everest n shout!!!ahhhhhh.......... #non-stop#
**go to Disneyland!!!
**go around d world!!!
5 things you are currently into
5 people i tag
**Jim--{how many tags aledi..haha..}
**Cherl--{tag u back can??hehe...ur important too!!!}
**Tirza--{ur fav...hehe..}
**Valerie--{dear fren..long time no see...}
**Richard--{sp3 member!!!...must hav u d..}
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